Twitter Users Make Song Titles or Band Names “Infectious”

Twitter users were having some fun on the platform Tuesday, turning song titles or band names “infectious” using the viral hashtag “#InfectiousSongsOrBands.” Here are 10 of the funnier responses:

  1. “HIV School Musical”
  2. “Hands Clean” by Alanis Morrisette
  3. “You Can’t Touch This”
  4. “The Norovirus B.I.G.”
  5. “Fight for your right to TP”
  6. “Don’t Stand So Close to Me”
  7. “Oops I sprayed you again (with disinfectant)”
  8. “The rockin pneumonia and the boogie woohoo flu”
  9. “I Want to Wash Your Hands”
  10. “Just The Two Of Us”