Jeremy Christian Trial Day Three: Witnesses And Jurors Tour Max Train
Portland, Ore. – Today is day four of the Jeremy Christian Max Train Stabbing Trial. Testimony in the courtroom stopped yesterday afternoon so the jury could go see a Max train car up close in person. It’s just like the one Jeremy Christian admits to stabbing three men on, two victims died. Christian faces a long list of charges, including two counts of first-degree murder, and one count of attempted murder. More witnesses took the stand yesterday, including Certified Nursing Assistant Charles Button. He says the day of the MAX stabbings are something he”ll never forget. When Victim Ricky Best collapsed on the floor, Button put pressure on his neck to try to stop the bleeding.
We also heard from the first Portland police officer who arrived on scene after the deadly stabbing. She tried saving one of the victims before medics arrived. Rehanna Kerridge says she threw away her work boots after that day, because they were so saturated with blood. Stay connected with FM News 101 KXL for the latest on the Jeremy Christian Trial.