How to Stop Eating Mindlessly All Day When You’re Home During Quarantine
Whether you’re stress-eating or find yourself getting snacks throughout the day, it’s not a good idea to mindlessly eat all day long while you’re home for self-isolation or quarantine. Courtesy of The Wall Street Journal, here are some tips for eating smarter and with more control:
- Create a meal schedule. “Make mealtimes very clear, so everybody knows there is a time to eat and time to not eat,” says nutritionist Elisabetta Politi. Change scenery or get out the tablecloth for mealtime.
- Integrate a snack into your routine. “Then ask yourself, at what time of day do I feel most vulnerable, when I would really enjoy eating this?” says Politi.
- Don’t overdo the pasta. “Don’t eat pasta too many days in a row or you’ll get tired of it,” says chef Alex Guarnaschelli. Add a protein with it too.
- Try intermittent fasting. This can lower your appetite, says dietician Kristin Kirkpatrick.
- Eat some protein with every meal. Dr. Mark Hyman mentions protein-deficiency as a risk factor for infections.
- Remember spices, many of which have anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral qualities. Look for garlic, turmeric, ginger and others.