Delivering Donated Meals to Hospitals Could Be a Lifeline for Restaurants & Food Trucks
Restaurants and food trucks find that they can stay busy and profitable when they make donated meals for hospitals, according to The New York Times. Last week, a Maryland resident donated 170 rice bowls to hospital workers, while the owner of NYC restaurant Field Trip says he got to call in two workers to join three already on the job. “We’re at five [employees] now,” said the restaurant owner. “Which is 50 percent of the way there [to full employment].”
Delivery orders for hospital workers range from small orders for sandwiches to multi-course meals donated by sports teams and big companies. For instance, State Farm and the NBA’s Atlanta Hawks are paying two restaurants to cook and pack dinners for hospital staffers working on coronavirus cases. “But it’s pretty sad that it’s easier for a hospital to get 50 pizzas than it is for them to get masks,” said pizza historian Scott Weiner.