‘Abominable’ tops this weekend’s new movies
Universal(LOS ANGELES) — Opening nationwide on Friday:
* Abominable — This CGI-animated adventure follows a teenager, voiced by Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. star Chloe Bennet, who discovers a young Yeti and, along with her mischievous friends, played by Tenzing Norgay Trainor and Albert Tsai, embark on an adventure to help him find his family. However, a wealthy man intent on capturing the Yeti for experiments, and his partner, voiced by Eddie Izzard and Sarah Paulson, respectively, stand in the heroes’ way. Rated PG.
Opening in limited release on Friday:
* Judy — Renée Zellweger is generating Oscar buzz for her portrayal of the legendary Judy Garland as she prepares for a sold-out run of concerts in London in 1968. Though in poor voice and battling a pill addiction, she powers through the shows to provide for her children, Joey Luft, Lorna Luft and Liza Minnelli. Rated PG-13.
* The Day Shall Come — This satirical comedy follows an impoverished preacher, played by Marchánt Davis, who is offered cash to help his family stave off eviction. He is, however, unaware that his sponsor, portrayed by Anna Kendrick, works for the FBI, which plans to turn him into a criminal by fueling his eccentric revolutionary dreams. Co-starring Danielle Brooks, Denis O’Hare and Jim Gaffigan. Unrated.
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